Monday, March 8, 2010

An evening exploration at Kovalam

Last three days of my life, were full of life - Friday, Saturday and the Sunday. I have set a framework in my mind. And the results were as per the rules directed by this framework. Joys were threaded into - lounges, movies, beaches, eateries, camera and music. There is no dearth of such things - provided you are ready to explore. It does drive me. I feel happy about them. I have always wanted to LIVE.
When you wander about places, you see newer things. You have newer experiences. You grow rich – in experiences, understanding, thought process, etc.

Now, a little story that happened this Sunday, I want to share with you all. At 4 in the noon, my friend called me up and asked me if I was ready to hit the Kovalam beach. That made me excited as I wanted to use my newly purchased Camera Lens. In a flash, my answer was ‘yes’. In fact, it was more than yes.
There was not much of a waiting at the bus stop. Perhaps, we were lucky. My roommate was with me. We reached much earlier than my friend who actually planned the trip. The usual slope to the heavenly beach called Kovalam led us to a bright Blue-Orange world. It looked cleaner, brighter, and more beautiful than ever before. It had an air of enthusiasm about it. People love salt water so much. Couples love them more, indeed.

People dressed in all colors, some known and mostly unknown, had their coordinates set. Why do we love nature so much? Boy-Girl pairs took strolls, old people gazed the sun, a few of them just lost themselves into the seas of literature and mostly all – just dived into the not so pristine water of Kovalam.
I took out my camera and clicked a few pictures. But I wanted to rest myself somewhere – a spot that would freeze the time better than the place I stood. And one such place is the rocky corner between the Hawah and the Lighthouse beach. It was windy. We were about half an hour away from the desired sunset, the sun taking a dip down into the water. It does that, everyday. But when you are at a beach, it is special. It is cherished!

I am a restless person – True! And sometimes, I am sensitive, too! I seated myself on of the topmost rocks. There was just the sea between me and the glorious sun. The wind was gusty and it had a lot of moisture in it. But it was heavenly. Meanwhile, the rest of the folks joined us. The atmosphere became chirpy – with laughter and jokes all around. With the descent of the sun, and lights dimming out – I wanted to see whatever was possible. And there was this man. A lean and thin, dark complexioned man with 3 children. His attire was convincing enough to project his economic might – which was no might. He appeared a little better than absolute poor. His children were dressed great from their reference point, though. No one would make a mistake concluding that he was a father – a responsible and worthy father – who took his children for a promised beach outing. All their actions had a zest about them. It was pure pleasure watching a bunch of soulfully happy lot. They had a Chinese mobile and everyone took everyone’s photo, turn by turn. The father felt happy and proud. Occasionally, he would also indulge is the photo clicking activity. The satisfaction and peace beamed from his contented face. And at a point of time, we had an eye contact. It was a moment of conflict. I was holding a camera – which was 20 times costly when compared to his Chinese phone mobile’s camera. He looked at it. I became uneasy. Why are we different? Why my camera is not his? I was numb and blank. Then I looked towards the beach. It had countless people. Many had better Cameras than mine. Why their Camera is not mine? I asked myself.
I came to the conclusion – it is not about cameras or the objects of desire. It’s about understanding simpler things in life. While I was happy clicking photos using my camera, he was happy using his. The important word is “happy”. How is my happiness different from his? Is it that any ‘Ambani’ or ‘Tata’ becomes happier buying an air conditioner than a poor man buying his first fan? Do we have machines to calculate happiness, joy, love, pain, pleasure or any other abstract emotions? Answer is NO.

As long as we confine ourselves into our own cublicles, we tend to remain joyous and pleased. The problem starts when we start looking at other people's territory.What differentiates us apparently is a sleazy, filthy, monster, man made concept called money. It just overtook us. It just killed the humans in us. I am not a preacher or a teacher. But I want to promote living and harmony amongst us – the humans. That man unknowingly made me conceive so many things. Now, I want you to find the man – who compels you in more than one way to think – and bring about a change. Let’s be human once again.

PS: It’s my thought. It’s not aimed at teaching anything.

1 comment:

  1. Friend, I sitting here so totally feel what you would have experienced, your might!!!


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